The Differences of Welded Gabion Cages and Hexagonal Gabion Cages

Apr. 10, 2024

Traditionally, river protection was mainly based on concrete masonry structures. While these structures were very sturdy and could adapt to local conditions, they were prone to loosening and damage in nature. They were also exposed to erosion by rain and strong winds throughout the year, failing to address the fundamental problem of flooding. The advent of gabion mesh played a strong protective role.

Gabion cage is a new type of material used in hydraulic engineering. With the development of industrial technology, it has gradually been adopted by people. Gabion cage is similar to traditional mortar-masonry structures, but compared to them, gabion mesh has clear advantages and offers a higher cost-performance ratio.

Next, our company would like to introduce you to welded gabion mesh and hexagonal gabion mesh. What are they? And what are the differences between them?

Welded Gabion Cage

Welded gabion mesh is fashioned by assembling front and back panels, bottom plates, and partitions that have been welded into shape, compressing them with spiral tying wires, and packaging them together with the net cover.

Both domestically and abroad, welded gabion mesh is widely used, mostly for park landscape modeling, building exteriors, and commercial building outer packaging decoration.

This gabion structure is simple and beautiful, with low cost, and is relatively convenient to install. It is one of the better choices for garden decoration and river slope protection.

Hexagonal Gabion Cage

Hexagonal gabion mesh has strong permeability, it is a type of ecological grid.

The pores at the top create favorable conditions for the flow of river water and help establish a natural connection between water and soil.

Hexagonal gabion mesh features a smooth and flat surface, uniform meshes, robustness, corrosion resistance, and shock resistance, and it is easy to install. Its advantage is that it requires low support layers, thus reducing construction cost and difficulty, which are vital reasons for its widespread usage.

So what are the differences between welded gabion mesh and hexagonal gabion mesh?

From Appearance Perspective:

Compared to hexagonal gabion mesh, welded gabion mesh can well maintain the "cage" shape. After being filled with stuffing, there will be no protrusion or collapse in welded gabion mesh boxes, but they will remain flat. Unlike the uneven situation in hexagonal gabion mesh boxes, welded gabion mesh boxes can better connect with other gabion mesh boxes.

Price Difference:

The prices of welded gabion mesh and hexagonal gabion mesh are different. Due to the progress of power generation technology in China and the implementation of tiered electricity prices, welded gabion mesh can be produced with a simple plating procedure, so the price of welded gabion mesh is relatively lower, while the price of hexagonal gabion mesh is relatively higher.

The above is a simple introduction to welded gabion mesh and hexagonal gabion mesh. We hope to be able to provide some help. If you have any questions, please contact us directly.

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