How to Build a Chicken Coop Using Chicken Wire

Aug. 22, 2024

Building a chicken coop is a rewarding project that ensures your chickens have a safe, comfortable, and secure environment. One of the most commonly used materials in constructing chicken coops is chicken wire. It is affordable, easy to work with, and provides a solid barrier against predators. This guide will walk you through the steps to build a chicken coop using chicken wire.

How to Build a Chicken Coop Using Chicken Wire

Planning Your Chicken Coop

Before diving into the construction process, it's important to plan your chicken coop carefully. Consider the number of chickens you intend to house, as this will determine the size of the coop. Make sure to provide at least 2-3 square feet of indoor space per chicken, and around 8-10 square feet of outdoor space in the run area. Additionally, think about ventilation, nesting boxes, and roosting areas.

Once you have a clear idea of the coop's size and layout, you can gather the materials, which typically include chicken wire, wooden posts, screws, and basic tools such as a hammer, saw, and measuring tape.

Setting the Foundation and Framework

The foundation is crucial to ensuring that your coop is stable and durable. You can either build the coop directly on the ground or use a raised platform to protect your chickens from predators like snakes and rats. If you opt for a raised foundation, use concrete blocks or treated wood for stability.

Next, build the framework of the coop. Use wooden posts to create the structure's shape, making sure to leave space for doors, windows, and any other features you want to include. The frame will support the chicken wire and offer a strong structure for the coop's walls and roof.

Installing the Chicken Wire

Chicken wire serves as a protective barrier to keep your chickens in and predators out. When installing the wire, make sure it's pulled tight and secured properly to prevent gaps that could allow animals to squeeze through.

1. Wrapping the Frame:

Attach the chicken wire to the wooden frame using staples or nails. Start at one end and stretch the wire across the frame, pulling it taut to avoid sagging. Continue stapling the wire every few inches to ensure it's secure.

2. Covering the Roof and Sides:

The roof and sides of the chicken coop need to be enclosed with chicken wire to keep predators like hawks or raccoons from entering. Lay the chicken wire over the top of the coop and fasten it down using the same method as the sides. Make sure there are no loose edges, and overlap the pieces of wire for added security.

3. Reinforcing the Ground: 

Extend the chicken wire at least 12 inches below ground level to protect your chickens from burrowing predators like foxes. Dig a shallow trench around the perimeter of the coop and bury the wire. This will prevent animals from digging under the fence and gaining access to the coop.

How to Build a Chicken Coop Using Chicken Wire

Adding Doors and Windows

Every chicken coop needs access points for cleaning, feeding, and egg collection. Make sure to include a door for yourself, as well as a smaller one for the chickens. The doors should be framed with wood and covered with chicken wire to maintain security.

Windows are important for ventilation. Cover any window openings with chicken wire to prevent predators from getting in while still allowing airflow. You can also add shutters to the windows to protect the chickens from bad weather.

Creating Nesting Boxes and Roosting Bars

Inside the chicken coop, you'll need to provide comfortable spaces for your chickens to nest and roost. Nesting boxes should be installed off the ground and filled with straw or wood shavings to encourage egg-laying. Each nesting box should be about 12 inches square.

Roosting bars are where your chickens will sleep. Place these at varying heights to give your chickens options. Make sure the bars are secure and smooth to prevent injury.

Maintaining and Securing the Coop

Once your chicken coop is complete, ongoing maintenance is essential to keep it safe and functional. Regularly check the chicken wire for any signs of wear or damage. Make sure the wire remains tightly secured, and patch any holes immediately.

You should also reinforce the coop if you notice signs of predators attempting to break in. Adding extra layers of chicken wire or even electrifying certain areas of the fence can help deter persistent threats.


Building a chicken coop using chicken wire is a straightforward process that provides your chickens with a secure and comfortable home. With proper planning, a sturdy framework, and well-installed chicken wire, you can create a durable coop that will keep your flock safe for years to come. If you need high-quality materials for your coop, please contact us. As a trusted supplier of building supplies, we can help you get everything you need for your project.

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