Fixed knot galvanized iron deer fence

Galvanized deer fencing has a smooth surface, uniform openings and excellent pliability, ensuring a long service life. The integrity of the deer fence is maintained even after cutting, with no risk of loosening or distortion. SUNSHINE WIRE MESH Group provide high quality deer fence with exceptional resistance to corrosion and strength that of standard steel mesh.


Deer field fencing is an essential wire mesh for farmers and property owners looking to protect their crops, gardens, and ornamental plants from deer. Deer are known for their ability to jump high and navigate through various obstacles, therefore,the deer field fence often reaching heights of 7 to 8 feet.(The cattle fence are often reaching heights of 5 to 6 ft.)

Like cattle fencing, deer netting is also crafted from high-quality galvanized iron wire. After weaving, the galvanized iron wire becomes a sturdy and rust-resistant deer net. However, when weaving deer nets, the warp and weft threads are knotted using fixed knots, whereas cattle  fencing is hinge joint knot.

Fixed knot galvanized iron deer fenceFixed knot galvanized iron deer fence

Fixed knot galvanized iron deer fence benefits: 

1. Protection: Deer fences effectively prevent deer from entering and damaging crops, gardens, and ornamental plants, safeguarding agricultural investments.

2. Durability: Made from high-quality galvanized iron wire, deer fences are built to withstand harsh weather conditions and the damage of deer.

3. Easy installation: Fixed knot galvanized iron deer fence is easy to install and maintain. The deer fence can be quickly assembled by simply connecting the posts and rails together,and it does not require special tools or skills.

Fixed knot galvanized iron fence size chart

Wire Diameter
Hole Size
Roll Length


10cm;15cm;25cm; 30cm

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